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A doctor’s best friend

See shows below.

These shows and demo illustrate use to provide and document ED care, safely and efficiently.


Provides an overview, and shows how use will let a physician quickly move from one point in the system to any other, and back again, while caring for several patients simultaneously.

Run Time: 3 minutes

Click here to view

Routine Care Shows

Illustrate use of the system to evaluate and manage chest pain, given three initial ECG patterns: 1) ST elevations (STEMI), 2) ST depressions or T wave inversions, and 3) a normal or non-ischemic pattern.

Routine Care Part 1

Shows how checklist findings can be used or not used as a doctor sees fit, and how care can be documented in a small fraction of the time now needed to do so.

Run Time: 4 minutes

Click here to view

This demo is best used after viewing the Intro and Part 1 shows.

Routine Care Part 2

Shows how: 1) profile findings can be quickly reviewed, 2) checklist findings can be used without changing how a physician normally interacts with patients, and 3) a Bayesian menu can be used to explain and justify care.

Run Time: 5 minutes

Click here to view

Routine Care Part 3

Shows how use of a fairly small number of checklist findings can document presence or absence of all needed profile findings to safely rule out pulmonary embolism, without use of an invasive procedure.

Run Time: 4 minutes

Click here to view

Immediate Care

Illustrates use to document care of a cardiac arrest

Run Time: 5 minutes

Click here to view

Nurse Care

Illustrates use of mobile device by nurses

Run Time: 5 minutes

Click here to view

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